
We are constantly working on the further development of our software. Here you will find an overview of all changes.

Latest changes

Fixed bugs

  • Exported simulations from previous simcision versions can now be imported again.
  • The diagrams in the evaluation area are now reloaded correctly after data changes.

Improvements and bug fixes

  • The fields in the publishing window now have the correct spacing again.
  • The subscription details page now only shows the next expected invoice if the subscription was taken out under standard prices.



  • You can now take out simcision subscriptions online via Stripe. This allows you to order via PayPal, credit card or direct debit.
  • New prices for simcision – simcision now has a new license model!
    Not only should the price calculation be clearer and simpler, our new license model will give even more people access to simcision. A brief overview:

    • simcision Free: Every user can now save and edit a model without a subscription. Free of charge.
    • simcision Basic: Create unlimited models, share models and join teams for 600€/year.
    • simcision Organization: Invite users, set up teams and book upgrades – from €750/user. Each organization receives as many teams as users.
    • simcision Upgrades: Users with the Organization subscription can now book additional upgrades to expand simcision with more functions.
      We are starting with four upgrades:

      • Unlimited team workspaces
      • Unlimited storage space
      • Personal Support
      • Configuration of public links
    • Every user can now share any of their own models via a public link. Published models can be copied by default.

Other improvements

  • After logging in, you will now always land in the last used folder.
  • The subscription overview has been redesigned with a focus on the most important information. You can now view all the details of a subscription on a detailed subpage, including the next invoice due.
  • In the scenario selection menu when creating a new simulation, the last used scenario is now always preselected.
  • The icon buttons in the evaluation area now have a descriptive text that appears on hover.
  • The effect and flow creation mode is terminated when clicking on a free space in the network.
  • In the order overview, a note is displayed on hover on the order date to indicate how long ago the date was.
  • In teams and organizations, there is now an option to hide the email addresses of other members from members
  • In the order history, invoices for subscriptions paid online can now be downloaded retrospectively.
  • You can now request a quote in the order process instead of completing a purchase directly. Perfect if you need to approve the purchase first.
  • You can now change the name and ID of your organization.
  • You can now delete your account if you no longer wish to use simcision.

Fixed bugs

  • When converting an element to another type, the image is retained.
  • The templates in formula fields of effects now work correctly again.
  • The calculation of negative minimum and maximum values of formulas works again.
  • Indicators are now copied and pasted again.

Bugs Fixed

  • The options of the “Visibility” drawer in the Actions menu are now always selectable.

Bugs fixed

  • Removed an issue where the public models overview wasn’t loaded.

Fixed bugs

  • The display of resources after a page change now corresponds to the correct value of the resource again.

New features

  • Actions now have requirements: requirements can be used to group conditions. If all the conditions of a requirement are fulfilled, the action can be used. An action can have several requirements; it is sufficient for one of them to be fulfilled in order to be able to play the action.
    This makes “or” links between action conditions possible.
  • The visibility of actions can now be controlled: instead of being displayed with a strikethrough, you can now specify for each action the circumstances under which it should be shown or hidden.
  • Save button: There is now a button in the simcision model header to save the model. A small marker indicates whether there are currently unsaved changes in the model.


  • The resource consumption is now also listed separately under Resources in the network.
  • The “Save as” dialog can be closed by clicking outside the dialog.
  • Summarized effects are now displayed on the side of the elements to avoid possible overlaps with impulse blocks.
  • The list of linked actions/events in element info popups is now sorted.
  • “Read more” areas are no longer cut off at the bottom.

Fixed bugs

  • Inserted actions only keep the resource consumption for resources that exist in the target model.

Fixed bugs

  • Changing flow formulas with large values is now much faster.
  • The titles of the elements in the grid no longer jump when the height of the element is changed.
  • The sign of the flow branches no longer changes when the value of the flow is adjusted after the flow branch factor has been changed.
  • Actions that were inserted via copy&paste and contain a resource consumption that is not available in the new model will be deleted.


  • The element toolbar is now hidden while the associated element is moved.
  • When simulation info popups appear, their OK button is focused.

Fixed bugs

  • The formulas in flow formula fields can now be edited without stalling.
  • Status bars can now also display numbers with decimal values, provided the range is not too large.
  • Indices are now correctly recalculated after calculating the pulses in the simulation.
  • Decimal point values in formula fields can again be optionally entered with periods or commas.
  • A selection in a subordinate dropdown no longer closes whiteboard editing menus.
  • Models created before version 1.28 are opened correctly again.
  • Impulse chains are displayed correctly again.
  • (Event) popups in the simulation should no longer protrude from the screen when opened.
  • Deactivated dynamics are no longer visible.


  • Texts, images and flow anchors can now be moved with elements in the network.
  • The editing bar of texts and images in the grid is now only displayed when they are selected alone.
  • The text in indicator entries can now be selected with the mouse without moving the entry.
  • Chrome extensions such as LanguageTool are better supported: Clicks on the user interfaces of extensions no longer close simcision input fields.
  • Non-relationships can now also be created in whiteboard mode.
  • Flows to nothing and from nothing can be created in whiteboard mode.
  • The position of the edit button for relationships in the network is now constantly close to the line.
  • A note is now displayed in publication messages if the publication is password-protected.
  • Deactivated dynamics without value and settings are not transferred.
  • The number of the zoom bar can now be edited.

Fixed bugs

  • The state of the elements is now also displayed correctly when the influence matrix is visible.
  • The active features can now be activated/deactivated correctly via the model settings.
  • Flows that do not transfer a value are no longer scaled.
  • Short titles in the evaluation can now be changed correctly.
  • The focus in dropdowns no longer jumps when navigating with the arrow keys.

Other improvements

  • All targets/resources can now also be entered via the quick selection of the formula template.
  • The folder paths of the search results are displayed more visibly.

Fixed bugs

  • Relationships to resources are no longer counted in the influence matrix.
  • The selection list of measures in the simulation area should no longer protrude from the screen when it is opened upwards.
  • Conditions for time periods are recorded correctly again.
  • The grid is no longer shifted in Safari browsers.

Other improvements

  • The grid can now be moved using the mouse wheel or touchpad.
  • The steps for zooming the grid using the touchpad have been adjusted: the zoom level can now be controlled more precisely.
  • The zoom direction has been inverted (now corresponding to the zoom direction of the browser).
  • Model list entries in the model overview are now displayed more compactly on small screens.
  • Member list entries are now better aligned.
  • Summaries of effects over several rounds are now rounded.
  • Actions and events are now linked in the simulation info popup.
  • There is now also a single simulation overview layout (1*1) in the simulation area.
  • The folder context menu now closes when the “…” button is clicked again.

Bugs fixed

  • The text in buttons now has the correct height in Safari.
  • The simulation end popup now has the same width as the other popups.
  • The value curve is now no longer displayed in the momentum popup.
  • The effects are now sorted in the simulation popup.
  • The calculation of the maximum value of the “#maximum value” function is now correct.
  • The text editor no longer has a gap at the top.
  • Elements and resources in conditions now also take on the text color of their origin.
  • “=” effects are now displayed with the correct value in simulation popups.
  • The arrows in the relationship lists are now centered again.

Bugs fixed

  • Condition type changes should be less error prone.
  • Influence matrix state changes work again.
  • Example models open well again.
  • Formulas in effect fields should no longer cause circular reference warnings.

New features

  • New condition system
    The conditions of actions and event triggers can now be entered and modified via a newly designed menu.In addition, (almost) all conditions now follow a uniform logic.
    Example: The event “Party” should occur if the state of the element “Satisfaction” is above 50%. For this, the event gets a trigger; and this trigger gets a condition. With this condition we can test if the state of the element has reached the correct value.
    In our logic, each condition is a “comparison” between two values. In our case, we compare the state of the element “satisfaction” with the value “50%”. If the state is greater than 50%, the condition is said to be satisfied. All these elements can now be put together in the condition: As “comparison source” we choose the state of the element “satisfaction”. As “comparison” we choose “>” (greater than). And as comparison value we can directly enter 50%. As soon as this comparison is true, the condition is fulfilled and the event is triggered.If an event should occur in a certain round, we can compose another condition in the same logic:
    Comparison source: “time
    Comparison: = (is)
    Comparison value: 2023With this logic, a whole range of different conditions can be flexibly defined. The conditions previously possible in simcision can all be mapped, and there are also some new possible checks:

    • In addition to the state of elements, positive and negative state changes can now also be tested: this means, for example, that an event can be triggered if an element has fallen/risen sharply.
    • Many comparison values can now be viewed in time periods: Instead of looking at the current state of an element, a condition can now also look at the state before x rounds or in a specific round
      Example A: The event “Supermarket rush” should occur if the state of the event “Advertising presence” was above 90% two rounds ago.
      Example B: The action “Open screw-top jar” should only be possible if the action “Tug on lid” was used at least 2 times in the last three rounds.
    • The time unit of the system context of the model is now also taken into account in the texts of the conditions that refer to points in time.
      Example: If “Year” is specified as the unit and the period 2000 – 2020 is set, “2003 – 2010” is now displayed instead of “Round 3 – Round 10”. This way, there is no need to convert between the different contexts.
    • Until now, only a fixed number was possible as a comparison value. (Ex: “is element “Expenditure” greater than 70%”?) From now on, two dynamic values can also be compared with each other: For example, it is now possible to test whether the value of one element is greater than that of another. (Ex.: “is element “Expenses” greater than element “Revenues”?”) For this purpose, a “comparison object” can now be set instead of a fixed comparison value.

    The changeover of the condition system also had an effect on the subsequent incidents:

    • There is now no longer a separation between subsequent incidents and triggers, since with the new conditions the triggers can be set like previous subsequent events. All subsequent incidents have therefore been converted into triggers. However, these triggers can now be provided with additional conditions.
    • Instead of the “Subsequent incidents” area, there is now the “Dependent incidents” area in the incident/action menu. This lists all events that are somehow linked to the open object. As before, events can also be linked directly to the open object in this area.
  • Self-driven dynamics dependent on the state
    Self-driven dynamics can now be described using editable value curves (analogous to relationships). This allows the strength of the momentum to be dynamically adjusted to the current status of the element. This enables e.g. simple control elements that always move towards a stable state.
  • Copy and Paste
    In the “network” and “variables” areas, objects (elements, resources, actions, incidents, scenarios, triggers and conditions) can now be copied with CTRL/CMD C and pasted with CTRL/CMD V. The copied objects can also be pasted into other programs (e.g. Word).
  • Search function
    In the model management screen there is now a search bar at the top right that can be used to search all available models. This includes all your own models, but also shared models and models in teams to which you have access. The search bar searches the title and description of the models and displays the results in the order in which they were last edited.
  • Archive shared models
    Shared models can now be archived or deleted. When deleting, only your own access to the model is deleted, not the shared model itself.
  • New diagram: Summed impulses
    In the new evaluation diagram “Summated Impulses” (a line diagram), the summed positive and negative influences that have changed an element can be compared.

Other improvements

  • Triggers are now displayed as separate objects with an extra column, rather than as a collapsible area within the event menu. Also, triggers can now have a title and description; this is displayed in event info windows instead of the trigger’s conditions.
  • Between several conditions of the same group there is now the little word “and”. This should show more clearly how the conditions are logically related to each other and make logic errors more visible. (e.g. the condition “Time is year 2000” and the condition “Year is 2004” cannot be true at the same time). Between triggers there is now the word “or”.
  • Incidents and actions can now be assigned to individual scenarios within their own menu.
  • In scenarios, it is now possible to disable that all newly created events or actions are automatically made available.
  • The menu for resources are now located in the “Effect network” area. As visible elements of the model, they fit thematically better in this section of the program.
  • Models can now be moved to another folder via drag’n’drop.
  • Folders can now be moved to another team via context menu.
  • The network graph can now be given a background color.
  • In elements, both the background color and the font color can now be set.
  • In simulations that were aborted prematurely, the abort message can now be viewed again afterwards. It is noted with an icon in the progress bar.
  • Model synchronization with the app should be faster.
  • In dynamic effect fields, there are now additionally the functions “e high …” and “if … then”.

Fixed bugs

  • Some older models could not be opened since the last update – these work again and are compatible with the new system.
  • Duplicates of offline duplicated models can now be uploaded without problems.

Fixed bugs

  • The text in the update message is now displayed correctly again.
  • Input in the coordinates window of the relationship point editor works as expected again.
  • Element titles no longer protrude from the element, even if they are very long.
  • In the influence matrix, text from merged points no longer sticks out on the right side.

Fixed bugs

  • Models from old simcision versions with deleted simulations now do not cause problems.
  • In the app, newly created models are now opened in a new tab.
  • Multiple rounds can now be selected in the spider resource chart.
  • The radar simulation chart can now be colored.

Additional features

  • In the diagram settings of the spider diagram, the area can now be hidden, so the diagram consists only of lines.

New features

  • New evaluation area
    The evaluation area has been completely revised. New chart types, additional data views and the simultaneous handling of several charts extend the possibilities of the area immensely.
    The following is a brief overview of the new functions:

    • Spider chart (New chart type)
      In the new chart type “spider chart” simulations or single rounds of simulations can be compared with each other.
    • Radar chart (New chart type)
      In the new chart type “Radar chart”, the values of all elements of a model can be clearly displayed.
    • Multiple charts
      While in the previous version only a single chart configuration could be viewed at a time, now any number of different charts can be created. You can switch between the charts with a tab navigation. All created charts are saved, so they can be closed and reopened at a later time.
    • Chart overviews
      Already created charts can be arranged in chart overview screens to compare different aspects of a simulation. Four different layouts can be chosen.
      The settings of the charts can be changed individually in each overview.
    • Chart export
      The generated charts can be exported as PNG or SVG and can therefore be used outside of simcision (e.g. in Word, PowerPoint or on websites). When exporting, image size, content and format can be freely selected.
    • Effect chart
      The effect of measures and events can be precisely tracked in the new effect chart. Direct and indirect effects are displayed separately.
    • State change chart
      The changes in the state of an element/resource can be comprehensibly displayed in this chart.
    • Impulse chart
      In the impulse chart, the individual causes of a change of state are listed separately. Thus it can be traced exactly why a state has changed in one round.
    • Element short titles in charts
      Element titles can sometimes be very long. In charts, elements (and resources, simulations, etc…) can therefore be assigned short titles to keep the labeling small.
    • Popup legend per chart
      Each chart has a legend with explanatory descriptions of the content, which can be displayed and moved freely.
  • Tabs in app
    The models in the simcision app are now opened in tabs. This allows you to keep multiple models open at the same time and quickly switch between them.

Fixed bugs

  • The relationship strength appears in the relationship list again
  • Password entry works correctly again
  • The number of displayed outgoing relationships in the element is correct again.
  • Changes to the expiration date of members in the organization management now work more stable.

Other improvements

  • In formula relation graphs, smaller points are used in the relationship curve window.

Fixed Bugs

  • Simulation round summary popups now always resize correctly.
  • Dropdowns that were closed without an item being selected now display the correct placeholder text again.
  • Links clicked in the app now open in the browser again.
  • Text in simulation messages is displayed correctly formatted, even if an update message was just displayed.
  • Popups no longer stick out of the window when opened.

New features

  • Summarized influences of a simulation round
    A small pop-up window can now be displayed in the “Simulation” area, in which all external effects on elements and resources in this round are summed up. The effects can be filtered by events, measures and impulses.
  • Adding up planned effects in the network
    The effect of planned measures is now also displayed in the network, added to the values of the existing impulses. This allows a quick overview of how the value of an element or resource will change in the next round.
  • Value range for resources
    Resources now have the “Value Range” settings tab. In addition to the initial value of the resource, its minimum and maximum value can also be set up here. Thus, values of resources can also go into the minus range if this has been enabled in the resource’s settings.
  • Resource units
    Resources can now be assigned a unit in the “Value Range” tab. The unit of the resource is displayed together with its value in the network.


  • Events now occur in the order in which they are sorted. This makes it easier to control the order of events that influence each other.
  • Password entry fields now have a button to show the entered password.
  • Dependencies of a resource that are triggered every round now have an “Interval” setting that controls how often the dependency is triggered.
  • Resources can now be assigned to stakeholders.
  • Different icons are used: these should be displayed consistently between operating systems.
  • In the “Simulation” area, actions can now be drag-n-dropped from one list to the next.
  • The values in the effect curve input field are now scaled by a factor of 10 instead of 2. This allows “cleaner” values to be displayed.
  • The color picker can now be controlled using the keyboard.
  • State changes in the Analysis area can now also be deleted.
  • When a round is simulated, all measure and event information closes automatically.
  • When a measure is removed from the simulation menu, its information window closes.
  • In the model import popup, models can now be imported via drag and drop.
  • The behavior of links in the text input field has been improved:
    • Links are no longer clickable in the text editor large view.
    • Links entered in a text field are now automatically detected and linked.
    • When the cursor is inside a link, a small link popup is permanently visible, allowing the link to be edited.
    • When a link is changed in the text edit box, the complete link now always changes with it, regardless of whether the complete link area is selected or not.

Bugs fixed

  • The x to close the action info window should no longer disappear when scaling.
  • The distribution of action relationships in the mesh has been optimized: There should be fewer cases where relationships overlap or overlap.
  • Synchronization in the app should run much more stable and faster. Models created in the app should upload more securely.
  • The point labels in the effect curve input field that appear on hover now do not protrude from the sidebar, even at high values.

New features

  • Adjustable accent color
    The accent color of simcision models and all derived base colors can now be set individually. This way, each model can be provided with a matching color scheme.
  • Adjustable relation colors
    The colors of relationships in the mesh can now be set in detail, with different colors for same-direction or opposite-direction and incoming or outgoing relationships.
  • Dark mode
    The display of individual models can now be switched to a dark mode. The setting for this can be found under the model settings.


  • New mesh rendering system
    The effect mesh is now rendered using a new technical base that allows elements to be scaled flexibly and interactive elements in the mesh to be controlled with the keyboard.
  • The title of elements in the mesh can now run over more than two lines, as long as the element is large enough.
  • The text of the central question can now be formatted.
  • Input controls can now be clicked in an empty area to set the value directly to the selected position.
  • The simcision logo is now in the upper left corner.
  • The model navigation bar has been simplified.
  • If reduced animations are desired in the system settings of the device, simcision now takes this setting into account and does not use animations.
  • In impact input fields, the sign is now added if it was forgotten (a + by default).
  • Mesh placeholders and elements can now be controlled via keyboard.
  • The “Potentials” section in the iCONDU and iCONDU (images) template is now called “Effect”.
  • The new keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + S can be used to save under a new name.
  • App areas can now be hidden and shown by right-clicking.
  • The element selection dropdowns in the Mesh Analysis → Effect Chains section are now searchable.

Fixed bugs

  • Elements are now reassigned to the correct area after being moved.
  • Adding an element to the selection that is already in the selection does not select it twice.

New features

  • Effects over multiple rounds
    Effects of events and actions can now be spread over several rounds instead of having them occur completely in a single round.
    Each impact can now be opened in a submenu in which it is possible to set whether, in addition to the impact in the playoff round, further impacts should also occur during the simulation.
    Screenshot des Abschnitts "Wirkung über mehrere Runden"
    In the simulation, in the affected later rounds, there is an indication of the effect of actions and events that are still active from previous rounds.


  • Formulas in impact input fields
    Simple to complex formulas can now be entered in impacts to make the effect of individual impacts dependent on the simulation state. Four new capabilities of this field greatly expand the action space:

    • Variables
      Simple variables from the simulation can be used in the formula field, such as the current state of the element or the number of the current round.Example:
      We increase the value of the affected element by the number of the current round, so +1 in round 1, +2 in round 2, etc….
      Text in Eingabefeld: +$Aktuelle RundeTo type a variable, just type “$” in the formula field.
    • References
      In addition to these simple variables, the values of other elements or resources can be used.Example:
      Decrease the value of the affected resource “water level” by the value of the element named “water drain”:
      Text in Eingabefeld: -@WasserablaufTo type a reference, simply type “@” into the formula field.
    • Calculations
      The field now no longer needs to have a single value entered in it, it can now have a mathematical expression in it.Example:
      We increase the value of an element inversely proportional to its total state, i.e. by +10 if the element has a state of 0 and by +0 if the element has a state of 100.
      Text in Eingabefeld: +(100-$Zustand)/100 * 20

      The mathematical characters +, -, / and * can be used, as well as parentheses to delimit subexpressions.

    • Functions
      Calculations can be used to describe complex relationships. For formulas that go beyond that, which cannot be represented with simple expressions, we have also provided a number of functions that can be used in the formula field.Example:
      We want the effect to give the affected element a random value between -4 and +6.
      Text in Eingabefeld: +#zufall zwischen(2 und 15)Example 2:
      If the state of element A is below 50, decrease the affected element by 10 points. Otherwise, add +10 to the affected element.
      Functions can be selected and entered with the “#” key.

    With the introduction of the formula field, the distinction between the unit “point” and “percent” when entering effects has been eliminated. Percentage values can now be entered directly into the formula field when needed.


  • Short info about actions and events
    In the simulation, events or measures can now be clicked in the left sidebar to display a small popup window with all the effects of the measure in the round. This popup window remains open and can be moved around to quickly compare the effects of multiple measures.
  • Hideable and moveable areas
    The areas of the software (impact network, variables, network analysis, …) can now be freely arranged in the menu bar. In addition, they can be hidden via the “Visible areas” menu in the settings.
  • Duplicate folders
    Folders can now be duplicated as a whole. Any user with access to a folder can select the “Duplicate Folder” option from the folder’s context menu, specify the destination and new name, and a copy of the folder is created at this point, including a copy of all the models it contains.



  • Context menu for model entries in folders
    The models in the model overview can now also be deleted, moved or copied directly by right-clicking without having to call up the administration screen.
  • In the relationship creation mode, all entered values (description, relationship type) are now cached for each relationship, even if the relationship has not yet been created. This “draft data” avoids accidental discarding of entered information.
  • Dropdowns are now limited to the height of the current window. If they extend beyond that, they become scrollable.
  • Team and Order fields in the Save dialog are now searchable.
  • The error messages in the team creation popup are now better formatted.
  • Items in the item selection dropdown are now sorted.
  • Page menus that refer to a specific item now include a color-coded heading area that contains the item’s title.
  • Buttons that were labeled exclusively with an icon now also contain help text that appears when the mouse pointer is held over them.
  • The second input field for entering the condition “Round between … and …” must now contain at least the value of the first input field.
  • If you try to publish an empty model, you will now get an error message that prevents this.
  • The element names in the curve description example now stand out from the rest of the text to make them easier to notice.
  • The “(simulation)” hint is now also visible on the Model Manage page, not just in the model entry in the folder.
  • Imported models are now opened in a new tab by default.
  • In the model list, each model now has a short note about how many times it has been published and shared.
  • When a right-click menu is opened, the first entry in it is focused.
  • If a letter is typed in a selection list, the search is focused. If the delete key is pressed, the selection list closes.


Bugs fixed

  • Moving list entries in Firefox works again.
  • The password should no longer be asked twice when loading a model was interrupted.
  • Team models should also now consistently ask for confirmation before closing.

Fixed bugs

  • Simulations with missing events can now be loaded without errors again.

New features

  • Time units for simulations
    Instead of entering a name for the time unit of the simulation, you can now select one of twelve different time units (e.g. “Year”, “Quarter”, “Week” or “Day”).
    For the simulation duration, a concrete time period can then be set instead of a simple number of rounds. (e.g. “2001 – 2010” for the unit “year”). This time frame will be used in the simulation as a basis for naming all rounds.
    Existing models that have already entered a time designation (such as “Year”) as the time unit will automatically be converted to the new system. Of course, the general designation “round” can be retained as well.


  • The entry of the time delay of a relation has been revised for more comprehensibility.
  • In the “Variables” section, the sidebar is now consistently expanded each time you click on it.
  • The question field is no longer displayed on the web as long as it has no content.
  • Invalid values in number input fields are now temporarily allowed but not saved until corrected.
  • A login window no longer appears when changing the language without being logged in.
  • In the model info overlay, the description is now only open by default if it exists. If a Central Question is specified, it is automatically open.
  • The info overlays (model info and associated overlays) are now all movable.
  • Some spacing has been improved a bit. (in error messages and in the action overlay).
  • Publications can now be saved with a password, which can be changed in the publication management.

Fixed bugs

  • The maximum frequency of events can now be changed again.
  • Conflicts during synchronization should now occur less often: conflict detection has been improved.


  • English names have been revised: “Influence Matrix” is now “Cross Impact Matrix”, the “Condition” of an element is now the “Status” of an element.

Bugs fixed

  • The model conflict screen in the app is now consistently displayed again when a model conflict occurs during synchronization.


  • The warning message when deleting events and actions is now written in a more understandable way, making it clear that associated simulations will be irrevocably deleted.

New features

  • Impulses in Simulation
    In Simulation it is now possible to enter manual pulses that give freely selectable point values to elements or resources.

    • Create in sidebar with combo selector
    • Create via right-click in mesh with popup
  • Free simulations
    There is now the possibility to start a simulation without a scenario. This simulation can be used without actions, events or momentum. In addition, the number of rounds of free simulations can be adjusted as desired.
  • Export/Import of simulations
    Simulations can now be exported as JSON files and also imported again.
  • Duplicating simulations
    Simulations that have already been played can now be duplicated by right-clicking on them.
  • Round notes
    Rounds now have a text field that provides space for notes.


  • Resources, events, actions, scenarios and simulations can now be deleted by right-clicking.
  • The information of elements in the network can be opened with right click.
  • Items in the actions dropdown can now be searched.
  • Dropdown entries can now be browsed using the arrow keys.
  • The mesh selection opens as a popup.
  • Net element information can also be opened in the “Variables” area by double-clicking.
  • The Undo/Redo buttons are no longer visible in the Simulation and Evaluation areas (they also only work in the other areas).
  • Deleting simulations must now be confirmed.
  • Unlinked elements no longer appear in the influence matrix.
  • Lists and popups are animated throughout.
  • After a folder is deleted, an adjacent folder is selected (if available).
  • The “BSC (12 targets)” and “BSC (12 targets / images)” templates are now called “iCONDU (12 targets)” and “iCONDU (12 targets / images)”.

Fixed bugs

  • The overall performance in the simulation is now linked to the evaluation again.
  • The right-click menu no longer sticks out of the bottom of the screen.
  • Pulse chains now work with delayed relationships.
  • Influence matrix: Elements starting with element 27 are labeled “aa” instead of “ba”. The elements from 53 on are labeled with “ba”, etc. …

Fixed bugs

  • Empty (new) models can be opened again.
  • Folders can be deleted without problems again.
  • Only one save dialog is displayed, not two.

New features

  • Image storage
    Images in simcision models are now stored separately from the model data and only uploaded when they are newly created.

    • The storage speed for models with many images is increased enormously.
    • Images are no longer compressed during insertion. High resolution images are no longer a problem.
    • More image types are supported. Among others SVG, GIF and WEBP.
  • Loading bar
    A loading bar is now displayed when loading larger models.
  • Model title and description
    The model can be given an internal title and description. This description can be read in the model info.
    These values are independent of the information in the model administration.
  • Extended influence matrix view
    The influence matrix can be opened in an extended popup, where additionally a list of the active and passive values of the elements can be seen.


  • Overlaps between relationships in the influence mesh are reduced in a new step of the line distribution process.
  • Mesh rendering is slightly more resource-efficient and thus more performant.
  • Moving the workspace should run smoother for models with many elements.
  • The model overview now synchronizes automatically every five minutes.
  • Simulation area: The button “New simulation” is now above the already started simulations.
  • The current name of the model is now used as a template when I save the model under a new name.
  • In the “Evaluation” area, the default order of the elements in the effect mesh is now adopted, unless the elements have been manually reordered in the Evaluations area.
  • The expiration date in the member lists now has more space.
  • The links in the login popup are also now focusable by keyboard.
  • Most popups can now be moved.
  • A few spacing issues have been fixed.

Fixed bugs

  • “Are you sure?”: Change detection on exit now works better, even after the model has been saved as a new version or simulation.
  • The “Duplicate Model” action can now no longer be accidentally triggered twice.
  • The login popup is no longer overlaid by any other popup.
  • All teams can now be selected again in the “Save As” dialog.
  • After importing a model in a team section and then closing it again, the correct folder is now opened.

Fixed bugs

  • The expiration date of an organization membership can now be removed without problems.
  • Player licenses are now recognized correctly again.


  • The “Save As” dialog now defaults to the current model name.
  • Zooming the effect mesh with trackpads now works as expected.
  • Counter-directional relations are now marked on both input and output.
  • Indicators are displayed in multiple lines again.
  • One can now be logged in on multiple devices in parallel without the sessions getting in each other’s way.
  • In the analysis view, elements can now be deselected by clicking on a free area in the impact mesh.
  • Dynamics can be opened by double-clicking in the “Analysis” and “Simulation” areas.
  • Comment fields located near the bottom of the screen no longer protrude from the window.
  • The team invitation confirmation button no longer slips out of the screen for many participants.

Fixed bugs

A bug in the simulation of momentum in models with many elements has been fixed.

Upgrade Guide

Download the guide with an overview of the new features HERE.

New Features

  • Folders: You can now sort your models into folders. All models are in a folder called “General” by default. You can create as many folders as you like and sort them freely.
  • App: you can now register directly in the app and manage your account in it. simcision can now be fully operated both online and in the app, any differences have been fixed.
  • Login popup: If you lose connection during a simcision session, you can log back in at any time. Your work status will not be lost.
  • Faster Invite: Share a model or give licenses to a lot of users by simply inserting a list of email addresses at once. Or select users you already know from a contact list.
  • Teams: Team areas give you a shared model repository for any number of users. Each team member gets access to all models of the team and can view, download and edit them. As the admin of a team area, you can also lock individual models if you want to release them to the team for viewing only.
  • Organizations: We have replaced our Company license with Organization In an organization, you can assign licenses to other users as before. What’s new:
    • Each organization can create teams and use them to create different model repositories for different projects, each with its own orders and access.
    • You can assign different roles to your organization members
      • Members see other members and the organization’s teams.
      • Admins can manage the organization’s teams, edit them, and create new ones. You can also invite new members and set their roles.
        Each organization has an owner. The person can extend, expand, or terminate the organization. In addition, he/she can appoint deputies, who also receive all owner rights.
      • External licensees only receive a license from the organization, but do not see other members or teams of the organization.
        Organizations have a name.
  • Hablamos en Español! simcision is now fully translated into Spanish.
  • New licenses! We have simplified our licensing model. There are now effectively only two packages: Individual licenses and Organization licenses. Organizations can be set up flexibly, with individual numbers of licenses and teams. Every new simcision license is now equivalent, every user with a license can use simcision the same way.
    Don’t worry: If you already have a simcision account with a valid license, you can continue to use your account as before.
  • Version history: you can see when a model was last saved and by whom.
  • Sort models: In addition to alphabetical order, models can now be sorted by date modified.
  • Order history: All new orders, changes and renewals are listed in your personal order history. This allows you to keep track of when you ordered what.

Other improvements

  • Variables area:
    • For conditions on measures, there is now no selection of how the measure occurs – the field had no effect.
    • The condition column is now automatically closed when the selected condition is deleted.
  • The title of the window is updated more reliably when a model is opened.
  • Improved error messages: Error messages now include information about why an error occurred and how to respond to it.
  • Toast notifications are now more usable on mobile devices. The system behind them has been replaced.
  • Incorrectly filled input fields can contain an error message that draws attention to the error.
  • Intelligent login: you will be redirected to the page you actually wanted to visit after logging in.
  • Performance improvements:
    • Synchronization of models in the app runs much faster. The local storage system has been overhauled.
    • The model overview loads faster because the list of owned, shared and public models is cached.
    • Smoother moving in the impact mesh: the mesh is updated only when there is enough power.
    • Update of the technical base to vue 3
    • Simplified logic to determine the current selection
  • The e-mail address is retained when switching between the “Login”, “Registration” and “Reset password” pages.
  • The input forms after a registration have been made a bit more self-explanatory.
  • The model conflict popup is now more understandable.
  • The country selection has been updated.
  • Licenses that are about to expire are marked with a warning.