Impact Chains

# Ways and Cycles

You can use the function of ways and cycles to identify and analyze influence paths between two elements. To do this, select two elements whose relationship you want to analyze. You can specify the maximum length of the chain of effects to be developed via “Maximum length”. Clicking on a single path automatically lists all elements along the impact chain.

If you select the same element twice, the active circuits of this element are displayed.

# Impulse Tracking

Cross Impact Matrix

# Impact analysis

The cross impact matrix provides information about the influence of the elements on the system and which elements can be used to specifically influence the system. To determine the influence of an element, its active and passive sums are compared. The active sum describes the influence of the element on other elements and the passive sum describes the influence of other elements. The active sum of an element is made up of the impact strengths of all impact arrows emanating from the element. The passive sum is calculated by adding up all the relationships affecting an element. The elements in the cross impact matrix are divided into the following classifications according to the active and passive sums:

Buffering – The element is neither more strongly influenced nor does it have a strong impact.

Critical – The element is influenced by other elements and in turn has an impact on others.

Passive – The element has little or no impact on others, but is itself influenced by others.

Active – The element has an impact on others, but is not itself influenced by others

The cross impact matrix is always calculated for the current system status. It therefore provides valuable information on which levers are currently relevant.

# Impact matrix profiles

It is possible to create several profiles for the cross impact matrix in order to examine different areas of a network separately.

For each cross impact matrix, you can freely determine which elements are considered in it (when creating a new matrix or via the table of values). To do this, select the elements that should appear in the matrix in the tab under Matrix.

# Flow matrix

In the flow mode of the cross impact matrix, you can see how strongly the elements of the matrix are influenced by inflows and outflows.

Elements on the diagonal line are in equilibrium: exactly the same amount flows into the element as flows out.

Elements above the line have more inflow than outflow: with each simulation step, their state will continue to increase until they reach their maximum.

The further to the right an element is in the matrix, the more the inflows and outflows can proportionally determine the value of the element.

Example: An element (A) that can contain 1000 liters and has an inflow of 10 and an outflow of 10 is shown in the bottom left-hand corner. An element (B) with a volume of 20 liters and an inflow and outflow of 10 each will be located in the upper right corner. The absolute quantities of the flows are the same, but the percentage influence is greater for element B.

# Manuel state change

Changing the states manually also allows interaction with the cross impact matrix outside the simulation. This allows you to observe how the influence and influenceability of each element changes depending on the status.

# Simulation information

Here you will find an overview of all scenarios and the number of rounds played. Click on the “More information” button to open a window with detailed documentation on the progress of the simulation:

Simulation information – Information on whether the simulation has been completed and how many rounds have been played.

Scenario – information about the selected scenario of the simulation

Measures – Overview of all measures taken, their timing, their costs and the effects on the individual elements

Events – Overview of all events that have occurred and their effects

This data can be exported in the form of a text file using the “Export simulation data” button.