# Control in the network
In most areas, the network plays a major role: this is the workspace on which all elements and relationships are located.
The network can be controlled with the mouse:
- Select network elements (elements, relationships, …): Simply click on the element. If we are in the “Network” area, the corresponding menu opens in the sidebar.
- Select several elements: Click and drag into the network. A selection frame is opened and all elements in the frame are selected as soon as the mouse button is released.
- Deselect network elements: Click on a free position in the network.
- Open context menu: Right-click on a network element (element, relationship, …). The context menu has different options for each area.
- Move network:
- Scroll (mouse wheel or touchpad)
- Space + click and drag
- Click and drag with the middle mouse button
- Enlarge/reduce network:
- Strg + Scroll
- Strg + [+ or-]
- Move elements:
- Click in the middle and move with the mouse button pressed.
- Enlarge/reduce elements:
- Click on the edge and move it by pressing the mouse button.