Chart overviews

# General

In chart overviews, several evaluation charts can be compiled on one page in order to compare them directly with each other.

The chart overview has a freely selectable layout that can be changed at any time via the context menu.

You can make individual chart settings for each chart. These settings overwrite the settings of the chart within the overview, but do not change the actual chart settings. This allows you to include a chart in several chart overviews, but set the appearance of the chart differently in the different overviews.

# Overview tab

Chart overview tabs are part of the navigation in the evaluation area, just like chart tabs.

Each open chart overview is represented by an overview tab. Clicking on the tab opens the corresponding overview. You can move the tabs using drag-and-drop in the menu bar.

  1. Layout icon
    Shows how the tiles in the overview are arranged. The layout can be changed via the context menu.
  2. Title
    Can be changed by double-clicking.
  3. Context menu button
    Opens the context menu.
  4. Close button
    Closes the chart overview. Overviews are automatically saved and remain until they are deleted. Closed overviews can be reopened at any time via the start page or quick access.

Context menu

The overview can be changed via the context menu of the overview tab:

  • Rename: Assign a new title to the overview
  • Layouts: Opens the layout menu with which a new layout can be assigned to the overview page.
  • Duplicate: Creates a new chart overview with the same settings as this one.
  • Delete chart overview: Deletes the overview. The overview will then no longer appear in the quick access menu or the start page.

# Layouts

You can choose between four different layouts for the overview page.

To change the layout of a chart overview, open the context menu of the overview tab and select the “Layouts” item. You can select one of the layouts in the pop-up that appears. The charts in your overview and their settings are retained.


# General

Once you have created a simulation, you can examine it in the evaluation area.

Charts form the core of the evaluation area. Charts are used to clearly display the data of one or more simulations, depending on the chart type and configuration.

Any number of charts can be created in the evaluation area. You can close charts at any time; they remain saved automatically until they are explicitly deleted.

The charts in simcision are interactive. You can move the mouse over values in the chart to find out more about them. You can change the shape and color of the charts. If a simulation that is represented by a chart changes, the chart automatically changes with it.

Finally, charts can be exported as images. This makes the results from simcision available to other formats, such as reports (in PowerPoint) or even social media posts (#simcision)!

# Chart tab

Each open chart has an associated tab. The tabs can be rearranged using drag and drop. Clicking on a chart tab opens the corresponding chart.

  1. Chart type symbol
    The chart icon allows you to recognize the type of chart at a glance.
  2. Title
    Each chart has a title. By default, the title is generated automatically depending on the chart settings. However, you can also replace it by renaming the chart. To do this, simply double-click on the title.
  3. Open context menu
    The context menu contains chart-related commands.
  4. Close tab
    The chart can be closed at any time. The data entered remains saved. You can reopen the chart from the menu at any time.

Context menu

The context menu can be used to perform various actions for the assigned chart.

  • Rename: Change the title of the chart
  • Duplicate: Create a new chart with the same data and settings
  • Download as image: Open image export dialog
  • Delete chart: Permanently delete the chart. Once a chart has been deleted, it cannot be restored.

# Chart area

  1. Chart configuration
    The chart type and the axes of the chart can be defined here.
  2. Simulation
    The simulations of the chart and the displayed rounds can be defined here.
  3. Data
    Here you can select the data to be displayed in the chart.
  4. Chart
    The generated chart is displayed here.
  5. Show legend
    The chart legend can be shown or hidden using this button.
  6. Show chart settings
    The chart settings can be shown and hidden using this button.

# Chart types

There are four different types of charts that can be used to display data in different ways.

Each chart type has different axis settings available.

Line chart

The line chart can be used to compare the progression of several elements over time.

Available axes:

  • Status / Time

Bar chart

The bar chart enables a precise view of the state changes and influences of a simulation.

Available axes:

  • Status / Time
  • Change of status / time
  • Pulses / time
  • Status / Element
  • Change of status / element
  • Pulses / element
  • Status / Resource
  • Change of status / resource
  • Impulses / Resource
  • Effect / Element
  • Effect / Resource

Spider chart

In the spider chart, several points in time of one or more simulations can be clearly compared with each other.

Available axes:

  • Status / Element
  • Status / Resource
  • Status / Simulation

Pie chart

The pie chart can be used to clearly display the states and state changes of a simulation.

Available axes:

  • Status / Element
  • Status / Resource
  • Status / Simulation

# Axes


The chart shows the current status of the selected objects.

In addition to the actual state, the difference to the initial state is shown in color (change in state).

Change of Status

The chart shows the delta between the initial status and the final status.

If time is considered in the X-axis, the start state always corresponds to the start of the respective round and the end state to the end of the round.

If individual objects are considered in the X-axis (e.g. elements), the start state corresponds to the state that the object had in the first round of the round range and the end state corresponds to the state in the last round.


All influences that have changed the selected object are listed separately in the impulse chart.

The impulses are sorted by influence value and type and color-coded by type.

The final state normally corresponds to the sum of all positive and negative influences. This should correspond to the value of the “Change of state” axis.

In round 10, the considered element “The AM is used in the projects” is increased by 5.5 points by an impact relationship of the element “All participants are empowered”.
In addition, an event occurs that increases the element by 15 points, but this is offset by another event that reduces the state of the element by 15 points. Effectively, therefore, the state of the element is only changed by 5.5 points in round 10, although impulses totaling 35.5 points were applied to the element.


The impact chart shows all the effects of an external influence, e.g. an action.

Direct effects are marked in blue. These are effects that were calculated immediately when the influence occurred in the simulation.

Indirect effects are marked in green or red. These are effects that have arisen from the direct effect via impact relationships in subsequent rounds.


Each point on the X-axis corresponds to a simulation round.


The elements in the X-axis can be used to directly compare different element states.


With resources as the X-axis, resource values can be compared directly with each other.


This allows the overall values of individual simulations to be compared with each other.

# Select simulation and rounds

Depending on the selected chart type, one or more simulations can be selected. If several simulations are selected, a symbol can be assigned to each simulation; this symbol is used in the chart for the values of this simulation.

The selected simulations can be exchanged at any time.

Depending on the chart type, all laps, the first and last lap or only the last lap are displayed by default.

It is also possible to examine a specific time range of the simulation. If the “All laps” box is unchecked, you can specify exactly which laps are to be viewed.

The start and end points can be set freely.

Simulations are only ever displayed up to their last simulated round.
Example: Several simulations have been selected. Simulation A has 20 simulated laps, simulation B only 10. In the laps menu, it has been set that data from lap 11 to 20 should be displayed. However, only data from simulation A appears in the chart, as there is no data for simulation B after lap 10.

It is possible to select individual rounds in the spider chart. In this case, a color can be assigned to the rounds to distinguish them from each other in the chart.

# Data

The data that can be selected in the data area depends on the settings in the “Chart configuration” area. Depending on the chart type and axes, other fields that can be set are displayed here.

It is sometimes possible to show the data of several objects in one chart, e.g. in the line chart. You can freely sort the objects and remove (by clicking on the small x) and add (via the input field at the bottom) them as required.

In some charts, you can assign individual colors to the displayed objects to make them stand out visually. The color can be freely selected.

By default, elements take their background color from the effect grid. If the color of an element is reset in the color picker, the color reverts to the color in the effect network.
Example: The “Motivation” element is blue in the network of effects. It was previously colored red in the chart. Now the color of the element in the chart is reset. The element is now also blue in the chart, just like in the network of effects.

If data from several simulations is displayed in a chart at once, it is also possible to assign different colors to the objects for each simulation. To do this, the color range can be expanded and each simulation can be given its own color.

# Chart settings

The chart settings can be used to visually adjust the currently open chart. All settings are permanently linked to the chart; similar charts with different settings can therefore also exist.

The chart settings can be opened via the cogwheel in the top right-hand corner.

Show chart scale Show or hide Y-axis numbers
Show color scale For charts in which elements occur: shows the color ranges of the element values next to the scale. Standard: Green for high states, red for low states. (Customizable in the settings)
Show chart help lines Hides/shows the horizontal auxiliary lines for value steps.
Zoom If selected, unused value ranges are truncated. Example: There are three elements in a line chart. The lowest value is 30, the highest 60. This sets the value range of the chart to 30-60, the lines now extend over the entire height of the diagram.
Center Y-axis Fix the Y-axis so that the zero point is at half of the chart, so that the range of positive and negative values is exactly the same.
Show labels Displays the labels of the objects in the chart.
Shorten column titles Displays short titles under the columns instead of writing them out.
Shorten title Displays short titles as object labels instead of writing them out.
Display axis title Labels the axes of the chart (e.g. “Time” for the X-axis)
Display final states Displays small dots in the chart at the end states of the columns.
Display external influences Only in charts over time. Displays small symbols below the chart that indicate in which round which external influences (actions, events, impulses) had an effect on the network.
Use element colors Colors the bars of the chart in the colors of the elements. If this option is not activated, the bars are colored depending on the value: Blue for the status bar, red for loss, green for gain.
Weight values Only available in the spider chart. If the elements in the model are weighted differently, the axes of the diagram are scaled according to the weighting of the associated element. Elements with a relatively low weighting thus become smaller.
Fill width Automatically adjusts the chart to the full page width. If this option is not activated, the width can be set manually.
Fill height Automatically adjusts the chart to the full page height. If this option is not activated, the height can be set manually.

# Image export

In the image export (accessible via the context menu of the tab), the chart can be exported as an image. The export currently supports SVG and PNG formats.

An individual image size can be set here. You can also adjust the chart settings for the export once again. The changes made here do not change the chart, but only change the exported image.

You can see a preview of the exported image on the left-hand side of the export window. If everything looks correct, you can download the image by clicking on “Export image”.


# General

In the “Evaluation” area, you can examine your simulations by viewing the simulation process in charts.

You can create as many charts as you like in this area, with various chart types and data compilations available.

The evaluation area is divided into two sections:

  1. The tab navigation
    Here you can select the open chart and create new charts or chart overviews.
  2. The chart area
    The currently open chart or the open chart overview is displayed here.

# Chart tab navigation

Several charts can be open at the same time in the Evaluation area. You can quickly switch between all open charts in the tab navigation. The tabs can be rearranged using drag-and-drop.

Charts that you do not currently need can be closed with a simple click. All charts are automatically saved and can be reopened at any time, either via the start page or via the quick access menu.

  1. Link to the start page of the evaluation area
  2. Quick access to saved charts
  3. Chart for active simulation
  4. Chart tab
  5. Chart overview tab
  6. Button: Open context menu
  7. Button: Close tab
  8. Button: Create new chart

# Quick access menu

All closed charts and chart overviews are displayed in the quick access menu. All of them can be opened with a click.

The entries can be searched using an input field.

# Home page

All saved charts and chart overviews are listed on the start page of the evaluation area, and there are also quick templates for creating new charts with pre-selected data.

On the left-hand side is an overview of all saved data in the chart area. Click on an entry to open it.

On the right-hand side you will find templates to quickly create a new chart. Clicking on one of the templates immediately creates a new chart with the corresponding data.